Progressive delivery allows us to put a new application version in production while keeping the previous one running and controlling how much traffic each gets.


Replicas Rollout

By progressively increasing the replicas of the new version while taking the old one down to zero.

Traffic Split

Through some network mechanism (Load balancer, Ingress, Mesh, Network Interface) the traffic gets progressively shifted to the new version of the application.

Feature Flags

This is not a deployment strategy, but a release strategy.

The application itself “decides” when to expose the new functionality based on some feature flag. It has the flexibility of rolling out randomly or by client, type of client, user, location etc. It allows us to separate deployment from release.

Each of these approaches has its merits and drawbacks. It’s possible to use Replicas Rollout or Traffic Split during deployment and Feature Flags to release the functionality to the users.

Why should we deliver progressively?

Through progressive delivery, we can reduce both the risk and the impact of a new (bad) deployment. It gives us the chance and the time to analyse the behaviour of our application in the production environment with real traffic. Since the old version of the application is still running, the rollback can be much faster, reducing our MTTR.

Flagger: progressive delivery in Kubernetes

Part of the FluxCD ecosystem, Flagger can do progressive delivery for us. It supports multiple mechanisms but today we’ll be using Nginx Ingress.


The new version of the application that slowly starts getting traffic is called canary (from the canaries used as sentinels in coal mines).

kind: Canary
  name: app
  namespace: default
  provider: nginx
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: app

A Canary references a Deployment and it manages it for us.


There are a few things that might be counterintuitive when using Flagger.

We define the Canary Deployment.

The Deployment we define in our manifests is not the primary one but it’s the canary Deployment.

Flagger will create a “shadow” Deployment with name: <deployment_name>-primary. The Pods from the “shadow” deployment will normally handle production traffic. We should not modify this Deployment, it’s managed by Flagger.

The Deployment we define is normally scaled to 0 unless a deployment of a new version is happening, in which case its Pods will have the new application version.

Canaries get discarded.

Once the analysis is successful and the canary is promoted, the canary Pods don’t become the primary.

While the canary instances are still running, the primary Deployment gets updated with the same version as the canary and re-deployed. Once the new version is up and healthy on the primary Deployment, the canary Deployment gets scaled down to 0.

Sequence of events

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Sequence of events for a Canary Promotion (Click the Deploy! button to start).


  • Deployment version change: It can be done manually or by any external tool (FluxCD, ArgoCD, etc.):
    • name: app
    • image: image:v1->image:v2
  • Flagger increases the number of replicas for the canary deployment (the primary deployment stays unchanged).
    • name: app
    • replicas: 0->1
  • Flagger starts sending some traffic to the canary service.
  • Flagger validates the health of the new pods. If the new version fails any validation it gets scaled down to 0 and the release is aborted.
  • Flagger increases the traffic to the canary service and keeps running the analysis.
  • Flagger copies the canary configuration to the primary.
    • name: app-primary
    • image: image:v1->image:v2
  • Flagger scales down the canary deployment.
    • name: app
    • replicas: 1->0


How does Flagger know if our canary is ok?

The same way we (should) know: metrics!

Metrics are part of the Canary analysis definition.

kind: Canary
  name: app
  namespace: default
    - name: request-success-rate
        min: 99
      interval: 1m
    - name: response-duration
        max: 100
      interval: 1m

Flagger ships out-of-the-box with request-success-rates and request-duration queries that it can get from Prometheus. We can also add our queries.

Analysis failure

By default, Flagger will retry running the analysis since it can fail to run for many reasons. e.g. the metric is not available right away when the Canary deployment starts

If the analysis keeps failing the release is aborted. Since the primary deployment has not been modified, Flagger only needs to scale down the number of replicas in the Canary deployment to 0.

Metric Template

We can define our metrics with a MetricTemplate and reference them from our canary.

For example: the default request-success-rate considers success as anything that is not a 500 error, but we might want to consider 2xx and 3xx responses only. In this scenario, we are using Prometheus metrics.

kind: MetricTemplate
  name: strict-request-success-rate
  namespace: default
    type: prometheus
    address: http://flagger-prometheus.ingress-nginx:9090
  query: |
    * 100

We can now reference this template in our Canaries using templateRef:

kind: Canary
  name: golang-api
  namespace: default
    - name: request-success-rate
        name: strict-request-success-rate
        namespace: default
        min: 99
      interval: 1m

Ready to Experiment?

Head over to this repo and try Flagger in a local cluster. You’ll find all the instructions in the Readme.

Try using a slow or faulty application version and watch how Flagger will stop you from completely breaking “production”.